Asekurator 2000
about us 

R O B E R T   J A S Z C Z U R A

Tel. 0-602-249-268

Robert Jaszczura
Born in 1960. Graduated from the Catholic University in Lublin (KUL), Art Department.

Since 1996 a co-worker with brokerages: Canada Brokers, INS Broker, ASEKURATOR2000 where he has been improving his knowledge and experiences in the field of life assurance.

He currently specializes in analyzing and comparing different types of life assurance policies. He will advise in the field of creating Workers' Pension Schemes (PPE) and in selection of Open Pension Fund (OFE).

He will find a suitable insurance cover for flat or house and help by insuring risks such as:

  • TPL
  • motor third party liability and theft insurance (OC+AC)
  • others

Hobby: mountains, Norway, art and politics.



Jan Aleksy Błaszczak
Agata Cypryniak
Dariusz Gawroński
Aleksander Giżycki
Weronika Górczyńska
Robert Jaszczura
Urszula Snopczyńska
Jacek Jan Snopczyński
Ilona Wrońska

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