Asekurator 2000
about us 

A L E K S A N D E R   G I Ż Y C K I

tel. 0-606-804-999

Aleksander Giżycki
With insurance industry deals from the beginning of 1996. Obtained licence No 4907/96 from State Office of Insurance Supervision (PUNU) co-operating with such insurance companies as: Commercial Union, PZU, Nationale Nederlanden and Amplico. Soon widened his knowledge in existing then companies: ATU LIVE and AGF.

Today works in ASEKURATOR 2000 as specialist in the field of life assurance, offering to his customers wide fan of the most suitable insurance cover existing on market as to meet their expectations and needs.

Specialises in:

  • insurance cover for children, young people
  • non-life insurance
  • other

Will advise in the field of preparing Workers' Pension Scheme (PPE) and in choice of Open Pension Fund (OFE). Will find suitable insurance cover for house or flat (household insurance and house contents insurance) and will help in insuring such risks as Third Party Liability of economic activities, deposit insurance and other.

Hobby: Computer facilities and the Internet tries to make useful for oneself. Likes animals and with pleasure spends his leisure time in contact with nature.

Invites to take advantage of proposed services.



Jan Aleksy Błaszczak
Agata Cypryniak
Dariusz Gawroński
Aleksander Giżycki
Weronika Górczyńska
Robert Jaszczura
Urszula Snopczyńska
Jacek Jan Snopczyński
Ilona Wrońska

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